Respected and highly influential "Rasheed Adegoke" share below on his fb page and behold, This is called "Bitter Truth". Those thinking otherwise must me blind, stupid and fool. Please read below:
Someone I respect so much sent me a Whatsapp post attributed to Femi Aribisala. It was a post claiming "the rest of Nigeria cannot survive without one other section of Nigeria if separation happens".
My response was:
Good morning sir, I think the problem of this country is that only a few of us think as Nigerians. Majority are closet sectionalists (with a clannish mindset tied to their tribe/ethnicity or religion).
I have no respect whatsoever for Femi Aribisala - so I hardly read his write-ups. I stopped reading it when he revealed himself as religiously or sectionally clannish during the 2015 election campaigns. I am sure you would not have shared any of his post then because they were clearly anti-North, anti-Muslim.
Secondly, I do not believe a lot of posts coming out of social media that can't be traced to mainstream media. So as far as I'm concerned anyone could have written this and put Femi Aribisala's name on it.
On the nation, it is clear to me that each region can survive on its own if its political leadership put on their thinking cap.
There is no region that cannot feed itself and even if there is, there would be nothing stopping them importing food from anywhere else in the world once their economy is buoyant to finance it.
There is also no region that is so lacking in resources that it cannot build a viable economy.
What will set regions apart will be the quality of the leadership they produce. What has led Nigeria down the path of retrogression is the quality of leadership we have produced through military coups and rigged elections.
If we produce quality leaders through free and fair elections like the June 12 election, we would become a great country.
To get to that point we need to get more citizens to wear the Nigerian cap - not the Northern Nigerian or Western Nigerian or Eastern Nigerian or Southern Nigerian or Muslim/Christian Nigerian cap.
We need to love all Nigerians and not just members of our tribe, religion or region.
Most importantly, we need to put the interest of NIGERIA first before any other parochial interest - whether personal or sectional.
This can only happen when the educated and enlightened elites across the country stop being selfish and using sectionalism as a tool for self-emancipation. We all know those who exploit sectionalism are anything but sectional when it comes to them sharing the resources of this country or when it comes to pushing their business interests.
We have no other country and the earlier we start living with each other with love, mutual respect and collaborative mindset toward ensuring this country works for all of us, the better.
I know you are not sectional sir but we may inadvertently, by our action, be promoting the activities of those that don't mean well for Nigeria.
Thank you sir.
I'm sharing this here to encourage us all to promote One Love and not be agents of sectionalism.
NIGERIA IS BETTER AND STRONGER TOGETHER...Let's be One and let's be true Nigerians.
Have a great week ahead...ARA
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